
You Have To Know About Diabetes 

You Have To Know About Diabetes,Diabetes Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

What is Diabetes?

The lion's share of the sugar we eat enters the bloodstream as glucose. And the body cells receive glucose to produce the necessary energy. Most cells rely on a type of hormone called insulin to absorb glucose. Diabetes is a problem with insulin. Diabetes mellitus is a condition in which there is a lack of glucose in the body due to low or ineffective insulin and an increase in the amount of glucose in the blood.

A person is diagnosed with diabetes if his or her blood glucose exceeds a certain level. These doses are 8.0 ml mole per liter or more in the blood plasma when fasting or 11.1 ml mole per liter or more 2 hours after feeding 75 g glucose to the starving person (adult).

Why does blood glucose rise?

The hormone insulin is secreted from a gland called the pancreas. When this insulin is low for any reason or its effectiveness is lost, the amount of insulin in the blood increases compared to the body cells and excess insulin is excreted with urine. It can be easily understood by comparing a diabetic patient with a normal healthy person
HealthTips BD is trying to explain to you through a flowchart below:


Normal healthy person               Diabetic Patient
Pancreas   Pancreas
There is insulin   No insulin, little or no efficacy.
Glucose is working   Glucose is not working
Energy is being produced   The amount of glucose in the blood is increasing and not enough energy is being produced.
Healthy   I have diabetes

Diabetes is usually caused by both hereditary and environmental factors. Rarely, certain diseases can lead to diabetes. The body needs carbohydrates, carbs and fats for energy. With diabetes, food does not enter the body properly and insulin varies. It is not a nosogenic or infectious disease.

Symptoms of diabetes?

Specific symptoms:
1. Frequent urination 2. too thirsty. 3. to get more hungry. 4.Weight loss will be followed by lassitude and continual tiredness.
5. Feeling tired and weak.

Not specific symptoms
6. Delaying wound healing 7. Less seen in the eyes 8. Itching, boils, etc. Skin diseases appear 9. Increases childbirth problems or miscarriage etc.

Who can get diabetes?

Anyone, at any time, at any age can get diabetes. However, the person mentioned below is more likely to have diabetes.
1. Whose lineage, such as parents or blood relatives have diabetes.
2. Those who are overweight or overweight.
3. Those who do not exercise or do physical work.
4. If you take steroids for a long time.
5 Diabetes pre-diabetes excess sugar.

Diabetes Treatment ::

Diabetes cannot be completely removed or cured. However, it is possible to control the disease completely and the doctor can help the patient in this regard.
The main ingredient in the treatment of diabetes
1. Education; 2. Proper eating habits; 3. Exercise; 4. Medicine if necessary
Disciplined living for all the adjustments like regular diabetes check up, regular doctor consultation etc.

1. Education

Diabetes is a lifelong disease. With proper care, this disease can be kept under complete control. The arrangements have to be made by the patient at his own risk and the cooperation of the family members of the patient can help a lot in this regard. Therefore, for the proper treatment of this disease, just as the patient needs education, the patient needs to have knowledge about some of the relatives' disease. Patients well educated - 1. Will acquire the ability to control his own disease. 2. Can easily accept the changed life system. 3. Gain the ability to deal with emergency situations.
Discipline is the lifeblood of a diabetic patient. The patient must be disciplined in all areas of life. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. E.g.-
1. Regular and moderate balanced diet should be eaten.
2. Exercise regularly or in moderation.
3. Physician's advice and prescription must be followed properly.
4. The body must be kept clean.
5. Take special care of the feet.
6. Foods with sugar, sweets, molasses, honey should be avoided completely.
7. If there is any physical difficulties , you should consult a doctor without delay.
8. Treatment of diabetes cannot be Discontinued for any reason without the advice of a doctor.
9. It is best to control diabetes by measuring your blood sugar automatically with an instant blood sugar measuring device.

2. Proper eating habits

Proper diet should be followed if a person has diabetes. Dietary and nutritional needs remain the same as before diabetes and after diabetes is detected. There is no difference in nutritional needs. The main purpose of proper diet is to control diabetes and maintain good health.
Principles of food intake:
1. If the body weight is more than the desired weight, it should be reduced to the desired weight, if it is less, it should be increased and it should be kept at the right size.
2. Sugar-sweet national food should be excluded.
3. Foods that are high in sugar (rice, potatoes, sweet fruits, flour, etc.) should be eaten in moderation.
4. Eat plenty of fibrous foods (pulses, vegetables, pickled fruits).
5. Eat less saturated fats such as ghee, butter, fat, dalda, meat, etc., instead of unsaturated foods such as vegetable oil, soybean oil, mustard oil, etc. should be practiced.
8. Learn the guided food list.
7. Calorie rich food should be eaten in prescribed quantity.
6. Food should be eaten at the specified time.
9. Sometimes more and sometimes less food can not be eaten.
10. Food should not be omitted at any time.
11. If you are suffering from other diseases, you need to know the food system in a healthy condition.

3. Exercise

Exercise and physical exercise are very important for disease control. Exercise relieves muscle numbness and helps in blood circulation. Exercise keeps the body healthy, increases the effectiveness and secretion of insulin. Walking at least 40 minutes every day will keep the body healthy enough and if you can practice at the same time every day, you will get good results. If you have physical difficulties, you should exercise as much as possible according to the doctor's advice.

4. Diabetes medicine

All diabetics have to adhere to diet, exercise and discipline. In many cases, especially in elderly patients, the disease can be controlled if these three measures are followed properly. But in case of type-1 patient, insulin injection is required. In the case of type-2 patients, doctors prescribe diet pills to reduce sugar.

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